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Lapide Commemorativa di Alberto Riva Villasanta

Alberto Riva Villasanta Commemorative Plaque

Alberto Riva di Villasanta was an Italian soldier decorated with a gold medal in memory and a silver medal for military valour during the First World War. He was born in Cagliari in 1900, ran away from home very young, when he was only seventeen years old, to join the Royal Army and he took part in several fights on Monte Grappa and Piave distinguishing himself for his value. He was the last soldier who died during the 1915-1918 war. He is remembered in various parts of the city: the barracks in Poetto Avenue, the primary school in Garibaldi Square were dedicated to him and a plaque in his honour was posted near his house in Costituzione square.

Poligono GEO

Lapide Commemorativa di Alberto Riva Villasanta

Lapide Commemorativa di Alberto Riva Villasanta

Via Costituzione, 2



Via Costituzione, 2

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