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Palazzo Accardo

Accardo Palace

The building planned by the engineer Dionigi Scano stands on the corner of Largo Carlo Felice and Via Crispi located adjacent to the rear front of the City Hall.

Its construction took place between 1899 and 1901. Among the distinctive elements the vaults that form the openings of the ground floor, lined up to the windows of the three upper floors, each one richly decorated with balconies partially protruding and partly in line with the facade. The two fronts are marked by vertical pillars banded with Ionic capitals. Definitely adorned is the decorative band which is positioned below the projecting ledge, decorated with dents and female figures. It is of particular importance the use of different materials such as stone, concrete and brick during the construction works.

Poligono GEO

Palazzo Accardo

Palazzo Accardo

Via Crispi/Largo Carlo Felice, 13



Via Crispi/Largo Carlo Felice, 13

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