This tour is recommended to those who wish to enjoy the relaxing pleasure of a sunny Sunday morning, walking around Cagliari, looking for good food, collectable items, second-hand goods or just a good bargain.
Every Sunday morning, several streets and squares in town sparkle with the life of typical open-air markets. Through this tour you will discover the voices, fragrances and colours of a typical Sunday in Cagliari.
Despite its wideness, the itinerary is perfect for those who don't have their own means of transportation.
Piazza del Carmine is just a few steps away from piazza Matteotti, terminus of both regional (ARST) and local (CTM) buses and trains. The public transport is also the best way to reach the "Mercato Cuore", located in the parking lot of the Sant'Elia stadium.
Good news for all street market lovers: from March 2021, a new open-air exhibition space opens in Piazza Giovanni.
Piazza del Carmine
Piazza del Carmine
Parcheggio Cuore
Parcheggio Cuore
Via dei Navigatori - Presso il Lazzaretto
Via dei Navigatori - Presso il Lazzaretto
Piazza Giovanni XXIII
Piazza Giovanni XXIII
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