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La Stagione concertistica vede impegnati l'Orchestra e il Coro del Teatro Lirico da settembre 2024 a giugno 2025

Teatro Lirico di Cagliari - Concert Season 2024/2025

The Concert Season will see the Orchestra and Choir of the Teatro Lirico engaged from September 2024 to June 2025. Soloists, pianists and musical ensembles enrich the programme: Alevtina Ioffe, Ustina Dubitsky, Sergej Nakariakov, Maria Meerovitch, Diego Ceretta, Alpesh Chauhan, Pavel Berman, Quartetto Modigliani, Maurizio Benini, Alessandro Bonato, Mario Brunello, Cuarteto Casals, Nikolai Szeps-Znaider, Fabrizio Falasca.




The Ticket Office is open from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 1pm and for two hours before the start of the show.


Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

20-09-2024 - 21-06-2025

Stravinskij , Strauss

Alevtina Ioffe (Moscow, 1981), a young conductor and the first Russian woman to manage the Mikhailovsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, following the death of Alexander Vedernikov, will conduct the inaugural concert on 20-21 September. Alevtina Ioffe returns to Cagliari for the third time, after the unforgettable performances of June 2023 and May/June 2024.


Orchestra and Choir of the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari

conductor Alevtina Ioffe

choirmaster Giovanni Andreoli

Igor Stravinskij Symphony of Psalms for choir and orchestra

Richard Strauss Till Eulenspiegel Iustige Streiche, op. 28

Richard Strauss Der Rosenkavalier Suite, op. 59


Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

Friday, 20th September, 08.30 pm- group A Saturday, 21st September, 07.00 pm - group B

Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Schubert, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Anton Bruckner, Johannes Brahms

The choir, directed by Giovanni Andreoli, will perform on 4th and 5th October.

Choir of Teatro Lirico di Cagliari

conductor Giovanni Andreoli

music Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Schubert, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Anton Bruckner, Johannes Brahms


Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

Friday, 4th October, 08.30 pm - group A Saturday, 5th October, 07.00 pm - group B

Canticle of the Creatures, for baritone, choir and orchestra

Ustina Dubitsky, German conductor but of Ukrainian origin, debuts in Cagliari on 22nd and 23rd November.

Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari

conductor Ustina Dubitsky

chorus master Giovanni Andreoli

Claudio Dall'Albero Cantico delle Creature, for baritone, chorus and orchestra - commissioned by the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari - world premiere


Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

Friday, 22nd November, 08.30 pm- group A Saturday, 23rd November, 07.00 pm - group B

Mozart, Schumann, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Rueff, Hahn, Chopin, ArbanKancheli,

On November 26th, Sergei Nakariakov (Gor'kij, 1977), the world's greatest trumpet virtuoso, nicknamed "The Paganini of the trumpet" and "The Caruso of the trumpet", and Maria Meerovitch (St. Petersburg, 1969), an excellent pianist with a brilliant international career, will perform a captivating recital.


Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

from 20:30

Ildebrando Pizzetti, Brahms

Three years after his debut in Cagliari (symphonic-choral concert, October 2021), and two years after his absolute debut in opera (La sonnambula, May 2022), Diego Ceretta (Milan, 1996), a very young conductor, violinist and composer, will once again lead the Orchestra del Teatro Lirico on 10th and 11th January for the first concert of the new year.

Orchestra del Teatro Lirico di Cagliari

conductor Diego Ceretta

Ildebrando Pizzetti Three Symphonic Intermezzi for Sophocles' Oedipus Rex

Johannes Brahms Tragic Overture in D minor op. 81

Johannes Brahms Symphony No. 1 in C minor op. 68


Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

Friday, 10th January, 08.30 pm- group A Saturday, 11th January, 07.00 pm - group B

Alpesh Chauhan and Pavel Berman

The young British conductor, of Asian origin, Alpesh Chauhan (Birmingham, 1993), considered a true revelation and who has conducted both concerts (June-September, 2016 - April, 2017) and opera (Turandot, March 2017) in Cagliari, returns to Cagliari on 17th and 18th January conducting the orchestral ensemble and the solo violin of Pavel Berman (Moscow, 1970), winner of the prestigious Indianapolis Competition who performs for the second time at the Teatro Lirico in Cagliari (November 2022).

Orchestra of the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari

conductor Alpesh Chauhan

violin Pavel Berman

Johannes Brahms Concerto in D major for violin and orchestra, op. 77

Edward Elgar Symphony No. 1 in A flat major, op. 55


Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

Friday, 17th January, 08.30 pm - group A Saturday, 18th January, 07.00 pm - group B

Modigliani Quartet

On February 11th, the Modigliani Quartet, a famous ensemble founded in 2003 and based in Paris, will perform at the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari.


Modigliani Quartet

Amaury Coeytaux violin

Loïc Rio violin

Laurent Marfaing viola

François Kieffer cello

Élise Bertrand "Lui e loro" for string quartet

Maurice Ravel String Quartet in F major, M. 35

Ludwig van Beethoven String Quartet No. 7 in F major, op. 59 No. 1



Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

from 20:30

The Last Judgement, oratorio for soloists, choir and orchestra

Maurizio Benini (Faenza, 1952), conductor and composer returns to Cagliari, after "his" Sonnambula by Bellini in 2008 (Dynamic DVD) and Petite Messe solennelle by Rossini in January 2023.

Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari

conductor Maurizio Benini

chorus master Giovanni Andreoli

Lorenzo Perosi Il giudicato, oratorio for soloists, chorus and orchestra




Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

Friday, 21st February, 08.30 pm - group A Saturday, 22nd February, 07.00 pm - group B

La Monacella della fontana

Important debut in Cagliari, on 28th and 29th March, for Alessandro Bonato (Verona, 1995), a young conductor who conducts, in concert form, "La Monacella della fontana", a rare one-act composed by Giuseppe Mulè in 1920 and performed, for the first time, in Trieste in 1923. In Cagliari the only edition dates back to 1934 at the Teatro Civico, with Licia Albanese, star of the Metropolitan.


Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

Friday, 28th March, 08.30 pm - group A Sarurday, 29th March, 07.00 pm - group B


Mario Brunello (Castelfranco Veneto, 1960), soloist, conductor will perform on 1st April.

cello Mario Brunello

Johann Sebastian Bach Sonata No. 2 in A minor for violin, BWV 1003

Johann Sebastian Bach Partita No. 3 in E major for violin, BWV 1006

Johann Sebastian Bach Sonata No. 3 in C major for violin, BWV 1005


Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

from 20:30

Cuarteto Casals

The Cuarteto Casals, a chamber ensemble founded at the Reina Sofia School in Madrid in 1997, considered one of the most appreciated young groups on the international scene, will perform on Tuesday, 13th May.

Cuarteto Casals

violin Abel Tomàs

violin Vera Martínez Mehner

viola Jonathan Brown

cello Arnau Tomàs

Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga y Balzola String Quartet No. 3 in E flat major

Joaquin Turina La oración del torero, op. 34

Johannes Brahms String Quartet No. 1 in C minor, op. 51


Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

from 20:30

Sibelius Concert in D minor

Nikolaj Szeps-Znaider (Copenhagen, 1975), one of today's most versatile and imaginative musicians, returns to Cagliari after his appreciated concerts in March 2010 and September 2023 and closes the 2024-2025 concert season on 20th and 21st June. As solo violin, in Sibelius' Concerto in D minor, Fabrizio Falasca, first violin of the Orchestra del Teatro Lirico, performs for the first time in Cagliari.

Orchestra del Teatro Lirico di Cagliari

conductor Nikolaj Szeps-Znaider

violin Fabrizio Falasca

Jean Sibelius Concerto in D minor for violin and orchestra op. 47

Edward Elgar Symphony No. 2 in E flat major op. 63


Teatro Lirico (Opera House)

(Via Sant'Alenixedda)

Opening time

Friday, 20th June, 08.30 pm - group A Saturday 21st June, 07.00 pm - group B

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