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Le fotografie 1932 – 1954 di Robert Capa

Robert Capa: Photographies 1932 – 1954

From 31st May to 6th October 2024, Palazzo di Città in Cagliari hosts a retrospective dedicated to the famous photographer Robert Capa (1913 – 1954). The event coincides with the 80th anniversary of the Allied landing on the beaches of Normandy, which took place on 6th June 1944, and was immortalised by the shots of the man who is considered the father of modern photojournalism.

The exhibition, organised by Silvana Editoriale, with the support of Sardinia Foundation, is curated by Marco Minuz.

110 photographs on display. All the main experiences that characterised the work of the Hungarian, naturalised American photographer will be present in the exhibition: the Parisian years, the Spanish Civil War, the war experience between China and Japan, the Second World War with the liberation of Italy up to Montecassino, the landing in Normandy, the Allied advance to Berlin, post-World War II Russia, the birth of the state of Israel and, finally, the conflict in Indochina, where Capa died in 1954.

But Robert Capa's work was not only limited to witnessing dramatic events, in fact, the exhibition explores the photographer's relationship with the world of culture of the time with portraits of famous figures such as Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, Truman Capote and Henry Matisse.




Former Town Hall

(Piazza Palazzo, 6)

Opening time

31-05-2024 - 06-10-2024
martedì - domenica
from 10:00 to 18:00

Entrance fee

Full-price ticket 8 euro

€ 8.00

Reduced ticket 4 euro

€ 4.00

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