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Cagliari is a city of extraordinary beauty, but it can be even more so if each of us, adopting a polite and correct behavior, will help make it more liveable in the interest of all.
#EnjoyRespect is the awareness campaign of the City of Cagliari to remember what are the wrong behaviors (in most cases punishable up to € 500), but also what are the "best practices" for living the city correctly and organizing your stay in the best possible way. .
Only in this way will it be possible to guarantee civil coexistence and the protection of the rights of each of us, while respecting the environment, the artistic heritage and the identity of Cagliari.


Streets, parvises, stairways are neither benches nor tables
It is forbidden to camp on the steps of monuments and churches, on the threshold of buildings, on the streets; it is forbidden to sit in the streets and squares. *

Avoid over-the-top games or jokes that can put you and others in danger
It is forbidden to climb the monuments. It is forbidden to cause danger or cause fear in public places. It is forbidden for anyone in a state of intoxication to go to public meeting places or to circulate on the streets. *

Monuments are good for everyone, respect them
Dirtying monuments, walls, doors with writing or graffiti is a serious crime punishable by law. You cannot dirty or damage anything public with your behavior. *

Cagliari is beautifully clean: help us to keep it
It is forbidden to throw waste on public land, papers, bottles, cans, wrappers, cigarette butts and any other object. *

Cagliari is not a bathing establishment
Your clothing must be decent, throughout the city and especially inside places of worship. *

No Fake
Do not buy counterfeit or dubious merchandise from illegal vendors who display their merchandise on the street or elsewhere. The abusive seller is punishable by law; but you too, if you buy from him, you can incur penalties of up to € 7,000 *

Turn down the volume
It is forbidden to disturb the public peace and tranquility of people with noises, shouts, musical instruments or other means of dissemination. The time period from 24 to 7 * is particularly protected

Use public restrooms
In a public place, it is forbidden to satisfy one's physiological needs outside the toilets, to wash or exhibit private parts of the body. *